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The water resource of our country high utilization efficiency
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-13 15:04:30
The State Oceanic Administration recently issued the "2013 national Seawater Utilization Report" shows: by the end of 2013, the country has been built desalination project 103, project total scale reached 900800 tons / day, an increase of 16% over 2012; the largest desalination project size of 200000 tons / day. At the same time, seawater cooling, seawater circulating cooling and seawater chemistry resource utilization techniques have been applied, using seawater as cooling water up to 883 tons.

The "report" revealed that in 2013, the newly built desalination project 8, the new desalination water production scale of 125465 tons / day. At present, China mainly uses reverse osmosis and low-temperature multi effect distillation desalination technology, water production costs 5 yuan per ton to 8 yuan. The seawater desalination project in 9 provinces along the coast, mainly in the severe shortage of water resources in coastal cities and islands. North to the large-scale industrial use of seawater desalination projects, mainly in Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and other places of high water consumption industries; in the South Island sea water desalination project in civil.

Utilization of seawater is marine national strategic and emerging industries, including seawater desalination and direct use of seawater and seawater chemistry resource utilization. In 2013, China issued a new seawater using standard 14, including 2 national standards, industry standard 12. As an important content to be included in the circular economy, energy saving and environmental protection, marine economy and other state and local planning using seawater, Zhejiang Province, Hebei province and Qingdao city has issued desalination development plan or plan of action. Several seawater desalination industry alliance established coastal seawater desalination industry development pilot demonstration work steadily.
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