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Fujian Shanghang increase the sewage treatment efforts to create a national ecological county
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-3 16:07:01
In recent years, Shanghang County in the bigger and stronger industry, attached great importance to do ecological articles, has introduced various policies and measures, improve the rural domestic sewage, garbage disposal facilities, construction, enhance the level of ecological county to create.

Recently, the reporter in the old county town of Shanghang County town domestic sewage treatment project construction site, excavators, trucks and other mechanical equipment and construction teams are wildly beating gongs and drums and busy.

Hexi Village branch secretary Chen Jixian old town told reporters, since, treatment domestic sewage is a big problem in the village, town sewage everywhere row about seriously affected the outlook of town. Now the sewage treatment project construction and nearby villagers are looking forward to. "The original hotel, residential sewage in everywhere, if can concentrate on processing, certainly a lot." Chen Jixian said.

In recent years, the old county town Party committee and government attach great importance to the work of ecological environment construction, combined with the higher the subsidy policy, increase financial input in the garbage disposal, sewage treatment, afforestation, and actively create livable small cities and towns.

The old county town deputy mayor Li Ling said: "garbage disposal, Zhen CAI based on County Finance 7.5 yuan per person cleaning expenses, increase to 20 yuan per person. Sewage treatment, Zhen Cai invest about 1000000 yuan in the construction of town sewage treatment plant, currently under construction. Each year, has invested about 1000000 yuan in afforestation and soil and water conservation."

In addition, the old county town to carry out an intensive investigation thoroughly on river 13 quarry, along the 80 farms, do not conform to the provisions of the quarry, farms are strictly sealed, demolition, the establishment of waste transfer station, the life and production waste the town village of centralized processing, and allocated 100 yuan as health improvement funds village environment. Through a series of measures to improve the environment, build ecological Township, township, the people on the side of the change is also praise. "Since the station building rubbish, all the village garbage is put over transport, collection, and then sent to the city to go inside, the environment a lot better." Chen Jixian pleased to say. It is understood, since Shanghang county since 2011 to start a comprehensive ecological county to create, in December 6th last year through the acceptance at the provincial level ecological county, and start the national ecological county to create work in early 2014. At present, the cumulative investment of county finance 300000000 Yuan, to improve the construction of urban rain sewage diversion pipe network system and industrial parks industrial wastewater collection system, the new sewage interception, diversion of rain and sewage pipeline 102 kilometers. Since this year, through the eco towns "to award to promote governance" policy, started construction of town sewage treatment plant, the concentration of rural sewage treatment facilities built and completed acceptance, county finance to give 800000 - 1000000 yuan policy subsidy funds, is expected to be fully completed in 2015 the town sewage treatment facilities and put into operation.
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