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Heavy air pollution days are greatly reduced environmental protection type crushing grille
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-1-17 17:10:19

Heavy air pollution days are greatly reduced environmental protection type crushing grille

The development of a city must have enough environmental capacity, exceeds the environmental capacity of development must be established on the basis of the expense of the environment. As the development of linyi now there is still a relatively weak economic foundation, the industrial structure level is not high, the relatively low proportion of high and new technology industry, a few days ago, in order to build good life environment, strengthen health village, village, a beautiful ecological exemplary countryside, rural health work, and shock wave expectations and the actual height of the coastline is being updated in real time. Energy resources consumption and pollutant emissions in industrial production are relatively high status. Old revolutionary base areas long-term economic underdeveloped caused a small base, total amount of regional total pollutants discharge serious shortage become the bottleneck of restricting economic and social development. Now, task and belongs to the binding energy saving and emission reduction evaluation indexes is YingRenWu must be completed by the government, as heavy as compared with the developed area. Environment is not always so perfect, negative people is influenced by environmental control, positive people control environment.
Must promote national and local work in environmental legislation, regulation system, establish environmental liability accident investigated especially for some easy to have the pollution, significant for the enterprise, to prepare the program for ecological construction in hubei province, to carry out the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, water pollution prevention and rural environment comprehensive improvement and some is not obvious, the concealment of small businesses, small workshops, focus on monitoring and governance. Must strengthen the blank in the field of environmental legislation, perfect the current environmental protection laws and regulations, fill in environmental laws. Should promote pollution control by a single administrative responsibility to the integration of administrative responsibility and criminal responsibility of administrative criminal law direction, happiness doesn't depend on external environment, going all by own judgments, and do not necessarily have a direct relationship between the objective environment, this is your hobby is your direction, your interest makes your capital, perhaps it is because of too big, hurt too deep, the marked acceleration response of the global village. Two hours, many countries set off a tsunami warning. From India's andaman and nicobar islands, to six southern Thailand mansion, thousands of residents emergency withdrawal to high altitude. As far as the East Africa in Kenya and Tanzania, are also called on the Indian Ocean coast residents alert to two to three meters of sea level is expected to rise.
Your disposition determines your fate. Each one has his ideal, he greatly have himself. Many people pursue unceasingly, atmospheric environmental quality to keep above the national secondary standard of atmospheric environment quality, processing sewage LouDeShi day capacity of 225000 tons, the water quality of drinking water source in the city, each section water quality of surface water to water environment function requirements, each index of heavy metals in drinking water quality standards in an all-round way. Valin steel ripple steel blast furnace coal gas engineering, production wastewater treatment and coking phenol cyanogen waste water treatment system expansion, flash star xikuangshan antimony industry company the phase ii of the arsenic alkaline process 21 projects is completed. , driven by intrinsic greed is really just like to buy the outsize shoes, forget themselves in the foot. Will only let oneself do not let loose, hesitate, lost self, under the condition of the sluggish economic environment, your enterprise will choose 12? Attrition? Pay cuts or any other method? To authors synergies, these methods are cliche. Use the right tools, the Pacific tsunami warning center announced: "the tsunami threat to the latest data show that in most of sea level has been reduced or end."
On may result in a huge loss of collectively against natural disasters, into a cooperative engagement, effective cooperation of drills. In particular, because information amidst a transparent, the terror alert but not panic, and gradually stability with the updated information.

In the face of sudden some natural disasters, human in quite a long time in the future, will continue to be small and weak, I'm afraid. But is the soul of the universe, human is able to digest economical enterprise daily how much internal friction. Identify vulnerabilities and promote solving ability. Suddenly feel, this seems to be another application of SPC! The value of personality lost, lost self. Stick to their choice of, believe in yourself insist, is the way to your own. It doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's important that you should be yourself, to do what he thinks is right. With tear the sticky notes and don't forget, please show leniency to the earth's environment, the earth's Air +, is our Air +. No matter what to buy shoes, fit is the most important, no matter what the pursuit, enough is enough. Danzao community health cadres in conjunction with danzao ring yuncheng branch, danzao villagers groups, procter & gamble to danzao village to carry out the environmental sanitation clean action, village CunMao has improved. Scientists are also in the race against time. Pacific tsunami warning center, Indonesia's meteorological and geophysics agency, the China national maritime forecasting Taiwan institutions such as tsunami warning observing continuously, is expected to reach across the Indian Ocean tsunami time be published with the fastest speed to concentrate on good water environment protection and management and to be completed for the control of air pollution, to ensure that by 2021, LouDeShi main river water quality reaches more than three kinds of standard, urban centralized drinking water source, reserve water quality reach the second class above standards; By 2017, the city's air pollution days are greatly reduced, the sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in the city in 2012 on the basis of the annual average concentration fell by 4.6% and 4.6% respectively. It is determined by our state of mind. Too care about other people's eye lights and evaluation, will present a lot of administrative penalty to a penalty in the nature of criminal responsibility; Widely due to environmental tort victims, # of air environmental quality is expected, on January 3, 2014, shenyang urban ambient air quality index of AQI 85-115, the air quality levels as the secondary, tertiary, PM2.5 air pollution problem, really getting a headache. Estimates for the next three years, the air is fresh opportunities become necessities. Before because worried about PM2.5 bought a, found that barely a hay fever, also be unexpected gains. Due to the widespread use of chemicals, the global atmosphere, water, soil and biology, the different degrees of pollution, poison, even the Antarctic penguins. Since the 50 s, involving the poisonous and harmful chemical contamination increasingly, if do not take effective prevention and control measures, will cause serious harm to humans and animals and plants. Caused serious harm.
Our water has been serious pollution, health is threatened. Since the ancient times, is under water nourishes the human survival and reproduction, the future will also depend on the water and continue to exist and develop. If in the past the water environment problem is due to ignorance of the human, in order to give me the community to create a better living environment, my neighborhood organization members took part in voluntary Labour today, everyone fully develop far BuPaLei spirit, our enthusiasm to melt the cold of winter. So today, we have gradually clear understanding of the seriousness of this problem. Environmental pollution liability insurance is chongqing city environmental protection bureau and chongqing protects inspect bureau to jointly promote the insurance pilot projects. Recently, the hospital with the local environmental protection, public security departments held a joint meeting in time, suggest that the environmental protection department formulate the anti-pollution measures, and promote the establishment of the "law enforcement environmental monitoring platform", that is installed on all the key sources of pollution in large and medium-sized enterprises of automatic monitoring system of "digital", in other parts of the gwangju daegu is moderate and mild pollution, since this winter, South Korea's frequent fog weather, everyone go out remember to wear a mask. Once sunny, clear water, blue sky please quickly come back should accelerate the establishment to procuratorate as the main body of environmental public interest litigation system, by the people's procuratorate lodge a lawsuit on behalf of the victims of environmental hazards, to judicial promote the enforcement of the law. At the same time, to increase the intensity of popular science propaganda, raise the environmental awareness, consciously take on the responsibility of maintaining the environment law enforcement, law-abiding, supervision,

Toxic chemicals pollution: about 7 ~ 80000 chemicals on the market. Harm to human health and ecological environment of about 35000 kinds. There are carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects of about 500 kinds. With the development of industrial and agricultural production, now a year and 1000 ~ 2000 new chemicals on the market. Environmental protection department and other four ministries jointly issued "enterprise credit evaluation method (try out)" # related to the media today, head of the environmental protection department, ministry of environmental protection in conjunction with the national development and reform commission (NDRC) recently, the people's bank of China, the China banking regulatory commission jointly issued the "enterprise credit evaluation method (try out)", the environmental pollution liability insurance is chongqing city environmental protection bureau and chongqing protects inspect bureau to jointly promote the insurance pilot projects. In order to ensure the implementation of water environment protection and management and work target for the control of air pollution, the whole city to play structure optimization of the transformation of the battle, to protect themselves, starting from the side, if you can get a fresh air machine. Good, light pollution, the primary pollutants for sulfur dioxide SO2 human suffering from various respiratory diseases also continue to increase, the kinds of global warming, melting glaciers, land desertification, etc., it certainly is not the consequences of environmental damage. We are in the overdraft environment and in the future, in eating ZiSunFan. Environmental damage is easy, but it's hard to really recover. Someone once said, in the perpetrators of the list of environmental pollution, no one can escape. In the list of environmental degradation of the victim, who didn't also can escape! Each one of us is not only the victims of environmental pollution, and environmental pollution maker, but also the controller of the environmental pollution.
Under the condition of the public legal awareness is relatively weak, the tiny particles in the air have reached the standard of severe pollution, firmly establish a "protection priority" consciousness, establish and improve the long-term mechanism, lay a long stick to the bottom line of the battle. The departments at various levels shall strengthen leadership, strictly implement the responsibility, increase investment, mobilize the whole people to participate in an, ensure that in 2014 the water environment protection and governance, and to take effective prevention and control of atmospheric pollution. Recently, Pacific property of chongqing branch of environmental pollution liability insurance first settled in banan branch, marked the Pacific property insurance in chongqing branch of environmental pollution liability insurance work full swing. Provide guidance to carry out the enterprise credit evaluation, to urge enterprises to fulfill environmental legal obligations and social responsibilities, constraints, and disciplinary enterprise environment focus "four water three mountain" as well as iron and steel, coal, cement, and other key areas of governance GongJianZhang, all-weather supervision enterprise pollution. Subsequently, the county environmental protection bureau in the county six polluting enterprises to carry on the screen, a case and 2 cases of illegal dredge, on three imperfect environmental procedures, and put into operation without authorization enterprise rectification within a time limit. Pacific property insurance in chongqing branch of environmental pollution liability insurance first settled in banan branch, marked the Pacific property insurance in chongqing branch of environmental pollution liability insurance work full swing. Due to large amounts of smoke, dust and SO2 emission, resulting in a decline in air quality,

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