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SCFI Receives ‘Waste to Energy’ Award
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2012-2-29 11:25:19
Cork, Ireland -- SCFI has scooped the ‘Waste to Energy’ award for AquaCritox® – the world’s first sustainable sludge destruction technology that generates renewable energy. The company was pronounced a winner at this year’s Rushlight Awards, which were held at Church House in London’s Westminster on 1st February.

The prestigious awards, which were judged by a leading, independent panel of industry and environmental experts, celebrate the very best in new technology, innovation and best practice across the whole environmental spectrum for organizations throughout UK and Ireland.

AquaCritox was recognized as the most significant technological development in the waste to energy sector, delivering complete organic wet waste destruction in an economical, sustainable process while simultaneously generating renewable energy. The technology, which is suitable for the treatment of sewage, drinking water sludge as well as industrial organic wet waste streams, is proven to deliver 99.99%+ destruction of organic waste safely, without generating hazardous emissions, and is completely odorless. As well as reducing the carbon footprint of a plant, AquaCritox will recover valuable by-products and is the first technology to have a positive energy balance from processing wet waste.

SCFI chief operating officer David Kerr comments: “This award marks a huge success for SCFI and we’re delighted that AquaCritox’s unique benefits have been recognized by experts as a sustainable and effective solution for the wastewater industry. In addition to high disposal costs, wet waste generators globally are currently facing ever-growing legal and public opposition to existing methods of disposal, such as incineration and the spreading of potentially toxic waste on agricultural land. AquaCritox is the only solution that ensures full destruction of wet waste in an environmentally and commercially acceptable way with a net energy gain and positive carbon footprint.”

AquaCritox® is up to 100% more efficient than competing technologies. Its Super Critical Water Oxidation (SCWO) process generates significant amounts of excess heat, which can be recovered for heat applications or for the generation of electricity, reducing a plant’s carbon footprint. The technology offers a substantial decrease in costs compared to other existing practices, eliminating the need for expensive dewatering, drying, incinerating and trucking as well as shipping and land spreading costs. It also opens up new revenue streams for the industry by generating renewable energy and recovering valuable resources, such as phosphorus and CO2.
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