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Lanzhou water pollution involving more than 80 households villagers have signed the agreement within
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-15 8:31:11
Jia Jia Bao, a team of Sijiqing street Gansu Xigu District of Lanzhou City, Taoyuan Village, only 300 households more than 1000 residents. This is a small enough that Baidu encyclopedia are not mentioned, three days, has become the focus of.

In Lanzhou water pollution incident, detect benzene exceed the standard of water group a factory to two plants between the 3 km - ditch, the nearly 1 km in the Jia Jia Bao Xigu District of village land below.

This morning, the existing government personnel to Jia Jia Bao Cun and asked to move out of more than 80 households signed a relocation agreement, requires 3 days to move out. One villager told reporters, to say has built a house in Lintao street.

Yesterday informed the resettled villagers sign the agreement today

Yesterday, Jia Jia Bao on the north side of the more than 80 households received government limited the eviction notice, and the related staff were measured to assess the villager's house. This morning, residents relocation agreement signed.

Because the water benzene exceed the standard event to dig up the ground, buried in the following North Line 3, 4 - channel for disposal. This period of artesian water ditch contaminated view log, is set in the village of dirt roads.
Similar to the relocation plan, Jia Jia Bao village has not remember how many times is the.

One of the villagers more than 60 year old smiled and told "Legal Evening News" reporter, at the time of his birth is rumored to relocation village, around 1986 there was a notice to move, even the village household froze, then settle a matter by leaving it unsettled. Decades, the relocation news greatly small all don't know is how many times, also before the people to the villagers home made measurement and evaluation.

So, although yesterday he received the message, but until today, the performance can still use the "steadfastly stand on one's ground" to describe, do not see to be ready for immediate departure state.

Jia Jia Bao Xi to Lanzhou petrochemical petrochemical plant area, East Lanzhou Veolia Water Group Second waterworks system, Southern Petrochemical aniline tank, north is a nitrile workshop in petrochemical enterprises.

Such a ring around the plant living environment by the villagers ridicule called "factory in the village", and most of these factories for chemical plant.

The village 300 meters long from north to south, known as the "300 meter corridor", the Lanzhou Petrochemical two major workshop apart, the villagers said this is to prevent the petrochemical plant explosion, take them as the "isolation belt".

air pungent smoke can't sleep sleep

Yesterday about five thirty in the afternoon, many villagers Jia Bao were sitting in the street and chat. Since being discovered every day since the water benzene exceed the standard, the village after the government and construction vehicles in large and small, and from all parts of the press.

Previously, the village had never received so much attention, even finding government reflect the environmental pollution and relocation, the, here from the pollution source site of the recent "famous".

On the 11 day be discovered Lanzhou water benzene exceed the standard later, on the morning of a lot of vehicle passing through the village, to the west of Lanzhou petrochemical petrochemical plant on the opposite side of the pollution source field. "Didn't know what happened, my heart also whispered why there are so many cars come, afterwards just know something." In response, Zhang Yajun said he had expected that this day would come.

Zhang Yajun said that around 1987, chemical plant suffered an explosion, causing oil leakage, it is also the first time directly to the flow channel pollution. He saw the construction workers were using a similar "plastic" material to repair the groove body, "when can smell the water taste, but do not know the benzene is what things, now you know." This has made Zhang Yajun feel wrong.

In addition, many residents had to enter the village will be able to smell the pungent smell of chemical raw materials, the time a little longer will be made a sore throat.

"Every evening, the surrounding chemical plants have steam rising, first made us headache can't sleep sleep, you can stay there for three days running." One villager told "Legal Evening News" reporter, they have used

"You say what haze, PM2.5, not more than us." A villager said ridicule.

The 64 year old woman in the village of Jiang Yu (a pseudonym) said, because of the serious environmental pollution, the general she wouldn't let grandson, his granddaughter to come over, "like a child to go home to see her, don't let."
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