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Increasing water pollution investigation levels around environmental trends to rise
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-10-11 16:26:14
Increasing water pollution investigation levels around environmental trends to rise
Over the past 20 years, as the urban life rubbish and industrial "three wastes" unreasonable treatment, such as pesticide and chemical fertilizer in agricultural production make use of the groundwater pollution has become increasingly worse. Long-term monitoring of groundwater of the departments of land and resources, and since 1999 to Beijing and tianjin region, Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta region, the huaihe river plain of the pilot evaluation of groundwater pollution survey results, shows an expansion of the scope of groundwater pollution in our country, the overall water quality decline, "three to" (carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic) of trace organic pollutants and international focus on persistent organic pollutants (remobilised) parts detected in groundwater. Now we still have not system to carry out the evaluation of groundwater water quality and pollution survey work.
For evaluation of groundwater pollution survey sample testing laboratory should have national metrology accreditation, national laboratory accreditation and (or) the product quality supervision, inspection and test center of soil resources review recognized qualifications, cover and have a combination of "evaluation of groundwater pollution survey standard" test items listed in the corresponding technical ability.
From the Angle of investors, for the development of environmental industry in the future, think of clean energy technology in the field of investment will focus on new energy to the field of environmental protection gradually. Very supportive policies of the state environmental protection industry, three years investment in five trillion, plus local investment and local government debt, each area has hundreds of billions of the size of the market. And many of the areas are more mature business model. He expects the environmental protection industry in the future will be more mergers and acquisitions, but before that there will be a industry transition process.
Is an important part of water resources, groundwater plays a very important role in China's economic and social development. At present, nearly 20% of the country's water supply comes from groundwater. The national more than 400 cities, exploitation of groundwater, groundwater in north China and northwest of urban water supply the proportion is as high as 72% and 66%, many urban groundwater is almost the only source of water supply.
1. The investigation and evaluation objects
Area groundwater pollution survey and evaluation should be according to the strategic layout of the construction of the national economy and needs, combined with the regional hydrogeological conditions and the research degree of it
, give priority to the groundwater pollution situation seriously, investigation horizon is given priority to with unconfined aquifer and for the purpose of water confined aquifer. survey
Evaluation objects for groundwater water quality and pollution status, highlight the evaluation of groundwater organic contamination investigation.
2. Investigate classification and precision
The regional survey and key area survey. Regional investigation is mainly the evaluation of the overall status of regional groundwater quality and the pollution it
Survey precision of 1:250000. Clue investigation mainly deployed in important cities and urban concentration areas, focus on the development and utilization of groundwater area, important
Pollution sources distribution area, such as investigation and evaluation of groundwater quality in the area of a and pollution status, influencing factors and pollution ways, trends, etc., its investigation
Accuracy of 1:50000.
3. The investigation stage
Evaluation of groundwater pollution investigation mainly three stages, namely the basis of investigation, sampling testing and evaluation division phase, groundwater pollution
Dye survey evaluation should according to the above stages successively investigated the evaluation work.
4. Basic investigation stage
Regional hydrogeological conditions and water points out types and distribution, pollution and land use status, for the development of groundwater quality and pollution
Sampling plan provides the basis.
5. Sampling test phase
Groundwater quality and pollution sampling plan, inspection, sampling point, standardization of sampling and testing.
Regional survey sampling point layout should be comprehensive consideration of regional hydrogeological conditions and land use, etc., can choose reflect certain radioactive-polluted area of groundwater quality and the overall status of typical water pollution. Focus on certain radioactive-polluted area layout should be combined with pollution sources distribution characteristics of sample point, a targeted pollution condition investigation. In project implementation cycle, should choose monitoring stations in sampling points for the major exploration area (layers), groundwater pollution area groundwater pollution monitoring. Objective optimization in survey points sampling points according to the survey. Regional survey sampling points should be on the basis of regional control, choice important water source of groundwater, national and provincial groundwater monitoring hole, big spring (QuanQun), a series of analysis data of agricultural Wells, large industrial and mining enterprises should bring along their own well, mine drainage, oil field water well, the important pollution sources monitoring well hole or near water.
River sampling points should be able to objectively reflect the water environment quality condition of the stream or area. Namely in the cross section of the sampling location in the mixed zone or damage zone, average of river water quality and can objectively reflect the characteristics of water quality. Had better choose in hydrological stations (points). Sampling points should be 0.5 m below the surface, like a river more than 0.5 m. Depth is less than 1 m, half of the sample point is located in the actual water depth. Lakes and reservoirs sampling points should be able to objectively reflect the overall water environment quality conditions of lakes or reservoirs. Sampling points should be far away from the shore, the river inlet and outlet. General should be 0.5 m below the surface, is apart from the (library) at the end of 0.5 m above the lake. Depth is less than 1 m, half of the sample point is located in the actual water depth.
Sample transport. According to the sampling plan within the prescribed period of time to send samples to the designated laboratory. Samples should be checked one by one before shipping form and sample bottle label, classification of packing. In 4 ℃ keep samples on special refrigerated transport in the box. Transportation anti-shock measures should be taken to avoid sun exposure. Analysis of VOCs, S - VOCs and bottle should be required to transport the sample gas composition. Winter transportation anti-freeze measures should be taken.
For evaluation of groundwater pollution survey sample testing laboratory should have national metrology accreditation, national laboratory accreditation and (or) the product quality supervision, inspection and test center of soil resources review recognized qualifications, cover and have a combination of "evaluation of groundwater pollution survey standard" test items listed in the corresponding technical ability.
Xiamen ring and think, environmental protection
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