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Garbage crusher can break living garbage sorting into a problem
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-10-9 17:29:53

Garbage crusher can break into a living garbage classification problem
In recent years, the recycling economy industrial park in our country gradually arisen. As the policy of "twelfth five-year" plan, the garbage incineration power generation and eat hutch waste disposal industry entered a stage of rapid development, the more help the garbage around the circular economy industrial park prototype of fast developing. Garbage classification pilot in our country has been more than a decade, but the result is still not very ideal: media appear frequently classified garbage can become "decoration", many citizens lack awareness of garbage classification and enthusiasm, some urban living garbage classification work in embarrassment.
The personage inside course of study thinks, garbage sorting a long way to go, to the notion of a long process of establishing and habits. Instead of letting citizens and law enforcement personnel "amazingly, might as well take the reward and guiding method, the classification in accordance with the relevant provisions on the waste of material and spiritual rewards, in order to inspire residents to participate in the enthusiasm of classified garbage disposal, environmental behavior have become the habit of consciously.
Domestic existing city introduced incentives, this for garbage classification work is undoubtedly a positive sign. But the economic lever includes many aspects, incentive mechanism is one of them. Because not equivalent exchange, incentive mechanism can only as a guide, its effect is limited. Experts believe that in the case of garbage siege is increasingly serious, based on the necessary incentive mechanism, the establishment conforms to the situation of the scientific system of garbage disposal fee, is a good way to crack garbage classification implementation problems.
According to foreign experience, the economic interests of the driver can rapid advance of garbage classification. How to use economic leverage move garbage classification and recycling, is the current should be in-depth study and explore the topic.
Municipal solid waste of the park as a consultant period witnessed the development of the park. The park as soon as there is only one landfills and a medical waste treatment, as the city's economic and social development and the rapid increase of population, the landfill can no longer meet the demand of the future of garbage disposal. "Twelfth five-year" plan, the city began to invest in the park construction waste incineration farms, eat hutch waste dump, biogas power generation, leachate treatment station multiple projects, such as a garbage recycling economy industrial park take shape gradually emerge.
Means lack of incentive and constraint, waste classification is difficult to promote
Surrounding the city agriculture developed, every year there are a large number of straw to deal with, in situ burning will not only cause harm to the environment, and could not for straw resource utilization. Of the park's garbage incineration power generation project is completed, the straw can be used as fuel materials produced by the electricity, incineration fly ash produced after curing can be buried in landfills nearby, the leachate can be discharged into the leachate treatment station, slag can be used in the production of roadbed and other building materials. In addition, the burning process of waste heat and landfill landfill gas power generation. This park comprehensive treatment of rubbish is to realize the resource increase income, and realize the reduction to reduce processing costs. In circular economy industrial park, in addition to the present stage of the most common waste incineration power generation, landfill, eat hutch, medical waste, landfill leachate, such as the future on the basis of garbage classification, but also many recycling project development, such as the comprehensive utilization of construction waste, electronic appliances recycling utilization and comprehensive utilization of waste plastic rubber glass, waste fluorescent tubes processing, cans and waste paper recycling, etc. Predictably, the development of circular economy industrial park forming will be a long process. How to faster, better and more accurate to develop circular economy industrial park, the author has the following Suggestions:
Strategic development planning as soon as possible
Park should be according to the development of the city status, combined with their own situation, set up reasonable and realistic strategy development plan, suggest that develop in the near future and long-term goals in stages, according to the industrial park's development and the change of demand situation gradually building into a high level of the park.
Park's operation objectives can be divided into two categories in the disposition of waste and recycling. In short-term goal planning, should to build the final disposal facilities as the priority, such as key development of waste incineration power generation project, landfill, eat hutch waste dump, etc; In the long-term, to enhance the level of waste recycling as the goal, the development of waste heat power generation, such as landfill gas power generation project.

Park in all projects and public infrastructure unified planning, step by step, phased implementation of each project, and according to the demand of the urban garbage treatment change gradually development, constantly improve the level of the garbage disposal and recycling, realization of material recycling and resource sharing application.
From small pilot to large-scale promotion, garbage classification in our country has been through more than ten years, but there is no denying the fact that due to a lack of incentive constraint mechanism, a lot of people still trouble, think "junk siege, is the government to solve the matter, what have I to do with"; Some people also carefully classified at first, but see a trash can still filled with mixed garbage, also will gradually lost momentum. Some places also have been trying to introduce penalties, but is often just a comment, then opposition, eventually had to go away.
On the one hand, urban garbage classification is difficult to promote, on the other hand, we often see such a scene: reporter saw in shenyang area, along a street stacked and remove the construction waste, broken with abandoned reinforced cement blocks, waiting outside were carried out at night. A middle-aged recycling just squat down on the cement blocks kept beating, and take out a short steel bar, each must be FeiLiYong hammer to break the cement blocks. Meanwhile, engineering management from time to time to hoot, barred him from the behavior. Middle-aged rebar was pick up the waste recycling, interest plays a leading role, because waste is can get the money. We get inspiration from the little things, in environmental protection, energy conservation has not turned into life and consumption patterns, under the condition of moral self-discipline, economic administrative punishment alone is not enough, need to pay attention to the adjustment of the economic leverage effect.
Domestic many experts are calling for environmental protection: waste management and disposal is a public affairs and public environmental security, said it is a significant social problem cannot be overemphasized. Since cannot rely on spontaneous public habit to implement the garbage classification, let him come up with effective means of incentive and constraint, provide thrust for garbage classification.
In the garbage classification, it is very important to the economic interests of the driver, build park management institutions to manage
Circular economy industrial park of stakeholders including park management institutions, collector, regeneration process, final disposal and the business operators of renewable resources, interaction and cooperation between parties depends on the running mechanism of the building. Park's operation mode should be usually dominated by park management institutions, to the enterprise as the main body, work actively cooperate with the park by the enterprise management agencies. The particularity of circular economy industry lies in its sociality than profitability, so the role of park management institutions is particularly important. In this particular industry, the management institution is not only the management institution, and the referee and athletes, both need to set the rules, and need to strict supervision of operation, also need to be involved in the industry, to balance the interests of all parties, to ensure the maximization of social benefits.
Must be strong as park management mechanism, which in turn promote the development of circular economy industrial park: on the one hand, the integrated use of various means of incentive and constraint, strict supervision, regulating the behavior of enterprises in the park; Flexible use of market price lever on the other hand, make enterprise profitable, increase the enthusiasm of enterprises, make enterprises to actively participate in the industrial park construction.
Perfect the construction of circular economy industrial park of the financing channels
The construction of circular economy industrial park needs a lot of money, so we must establish a diversified investment mechanism, open up new financing channels, to the road of social investment, multi-channel, multi-channel to raise funds. Funding sources including government funding, the introduction of social capital by way of franchising, ecological environment protection and ecological construction bonds, etc., can also actively strive for international financial institutions, relevant international organizations and foreign governments financial support, widely absorbs the international capital.
Park management organization should be according to the capital situation and the needs of the development of the city gradually promote the purpose of investment in the park construction, constantly improve and enrich the financing channels, in the purpose of financing work, should be based on the specific situation of the project design and select the most appropriate way of financing the construction.
According to expert introduction, economic leverage is the use of economic law, drivers and adjust the social production and reproduction process (production, distribution, exchange and consumption), the biggest economic benefit, the most comply with the direction of economic category production purpose. Under the condition of market economy, every organism has a fickle kinds of society, to protect the environment from the source, arouse the market main body action, you must have the economic driver.
Establish in the interests of the state of the mechanism, move the garbage sorting

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