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A five-point water pollution simple suggestions to solve the water pollution program rational use of
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-10 16:19:47

The key to the solution of water pollution comes down to personal responsibility, because we all have a direct impact on the environment.
From our toilet flush the garbage we throw away our footprint, we put an end to our environment on a daily basis.
What kind of day-to-day footprints do you leave? Large and deep or small size, light weight it?
Although millions of people use common facilities, such as the purchase of plastic or driving a car, our environment is slowly degraded.
For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated 40% of rivers and lakes, unsafe for swimming and fishing.
"Clean Water Act"
Restrictions as early as the 1970s polluting industries and companies most pitiful. The government finally see the effect, and the creation of the Clean Water Act.
"Clean Water Act"
Restrictions as early as the 1970s polluting industries and companies most pitiful. The government finally see the effect, and the creation of the Clean Water Act.
The bill had a huge impact and help clean up polluted waters.
However, two things behavioral requirements - (1) zero pollutant emissions to 1985 and 1983 (2) swimming waters - never happened.
Rivers in the United States has limited the number of fish consumption warning also increased sharply since the early 1990s.
Solve the water pollution # 1 - enforcement of existing laws
Therefore, our first solution to the pollution of water bodies, enforcement of existing laws is very simple - tell the politicians. When a politician touted his new anti-pollution bill, he stated that it would clean up the environment, which means that if they continue to allow existing laws to mere imaginary text. Tell the politicians what you're thinking. Encourage them to implementation of existing laws such as the Clean Water Act. Apart from law enforcement, there are the individual limit pollution in our communities and cities, we can take some practical steps.

To solve the water pollution # 2 - Stop the nutrient and pesticide pollution if you put "normal" chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals on the lawn or in your garden, you caused pollution problems. Although you may find the help of these products, most of the volume of wash off your lawn and into the nearest waterway. They also tend to reduce the quality of the soil, resulting in increasingly over time?? More chemical dependency.

Solve water pollution # 3 - driving less
Nitrogen deposition from air pollution is an important part of the nutrient pollution problem. How much we drive, how much vehicles, and many other factors cause pollution, we will separate. Emissions of your car sprayed awareness to maintain good, and let your car. Think about it in favor of a hybrid or electric car, if you drive a lot of miles every day. More frequent use of public transport. Our government paid a lot of money, the public system. Drive less, we can do something better, relatively small differences add up so that everyone across the millions of drivers concluded.

Solve the water pollution # 4 - green household and personal care products as consumers and citizens, we have a responsibility to know what kind of impact our consumer products on the planet. Our food, household cleaners, personal care products, many of the drugs in the chemicals are dumped into the waterways. These chemicals through the municipal sewage treatment facilities are not sufficiently filtered. Therefore, if we do not drink filtered water, we consume a lot of these chemicals (and other dangerous pollutants) daily. If you do not use a water purifier system, your body is the filter. This cyclical process becomes increasingly degraded over time, the toxicity of fish and water to achieve the level of unheard. To stop the spread of this chemical, buy more organic food and "green" household cleaners and personal care products. At the same time, do not flush drugs down the toilet! To figure out how to restore the water? Household water purification system can make your home more environmentally friendly alternative to toxic household cleaners.

To solve the water pollution # 5 - use less plastic, do not litter our speed, our marine plastic pollution increasingly will be one of the story of a disaster of this century. Try to figure out ways to use less plastic, especially plastic storage bags. This type of plastic can easily swallow wild animals, and eventually death. Have a lot of pollution, is not biodegradable plastics factory. Simply put, there is no bottled water! I know this is easy to drink bottled water, but bottled water plastic impact on the environment is enormous! The end of more than 150 million tons of plastic water bottles in U.S. landfills each year. Plastic degradation requires more than 300 years. Up to 40% of all bottled water is reprocessed tap. A healthier and cheaper solution is to invest in refillable glass bottles or stainless steel water bottles, and fill them with filtered drinking bottled water. Last but not least, do not litter. Land litter carried by wind and rivers into the ocean and the beach. If you see someone else's garbage, do not be shy or pick it, or hesitant. Every little bit counts.

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