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Water pollution should be how our actions to make them better
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-4-18 14:39:30
There are a lot of things you can do now to prevent non-point source pollution. Here are some important best management practices:
Septic system taking the check licensed Septic contract, every three to five years.
Keep the car in good working condition and to minimize the amount of driving. Studies have shown that toxic substances and spray the car down nitrogen compounds into the air to land, where they can be washed into the water.
Waste compost site.
Cautious application of fertilizers and pesticides that may be used alternatives.
Fertilization based on soil test results.
Pick up trash, litter and pet waste.
Motor oil, chemicals, and other hazardous waste for proper disposal.
Protection plan in accordance with the existing.
Management fertilizers largest nutritional value of crops and minimum runoff.
Streams and riparian zones for livestock farming.
Protective practices, such as strip farming, reduced tillage, crop rotation, reduce erosion of farmland.
Barnyard runoff?? Minimum.
Pasture rotational grazing system.
To leave a vegetative buffer along the stream banks.
Integration of chemical and biological control of crop pests and diseases management.
Organic compost yard waste.
Developers and contractors
Porous pavement, low-flow areas, from the streams and lakes surrounding vegetation buffer zone, the protection of forest areas and wetlands.
Clear the construction site, as far as possible, leaving as much vegetation.
Installation of silt fence, stormwater detention and reservoir sedimentation tank to keep the site sediments.
Stormwater management, in order to minimize the adverse effects of new development.
Local officials
Development and implementation of community stormwater management plan.
Requiring contractors and developers runoff solutions to consider long-term effects from the development.
Taken into account in the planning and zoning decisions of the streams, rivers and lakes.
Protection of wetlands. Wetlands filter pollutants proved before they enter other water bodies.
Potential sources of non-point source pollution, such as the erosion roadbanks. Take corrective action when necessary.
Install stormwater management practices have been developed regions.
Enterprises and factories
Monitoring of wastewater from the operation of dangerous chemicals.
Prevent leaks and spills of hazardous substances.
Storage tanks in accordance with government regulations.
Development of best management practices (BMPs) designed for this type of business.
Swimming, boating, fishing
Limiting speed and obey the ship's speed limit. Boat wake erosion of river banks, lake shore, thereby releasing sediment.
Properly handle garbage and toilet waste, whether it is on the shore, on board.
Riparian areas to maintain river health
Riparian zones immediately in the area of ??land adjacent to a stream. Typically, the area is more than 35 feet wide on both sides of the stream, you may encounter frequent floods.
The importance of vegetation
Riparian vegetation growth healthy flow system maintenance is essential. For example, riparian trees shade the water, causing the water in the hot summer temperature is low. The cooler water has a greater oxygen carrying capacity. Raw materials, organic materials from the leaves of trees and shrubs of the food chain. The riparian vegetation intensive deep root system helps Riverbank held together during floods. Riparian vegetation is essential for water flood mitigation scouring action and protection of adjacent land during floods.
A healthy stream depends on well-managed riparian zones. Sparse vegetation cover leading to floods and water quality issues. Maintain and restore the natural riparian vegetation can prevent a lot of water quality problems.
One of the main features of the stream contains water. The stream banks far more than the flow control. They are part of a complex, the entire stream ecosystem health.
Healthy streams
Health, well-managed riparian areas of the plant species, a variety of growth in each bank. These regions also have a thick layer of dead leaves on the ground water retention in the soil humus layer, allowing water to penetrate to the water table. Riverbank erosion is a good indicator of the lack of a well-managed riparian zone.
Unhealthy stream
Poor management of the flow system is a general lack of trees and along the riparian vegetation cover. If there is some vegetation, it is usually sparse on either side, and occupies less than 35 feet. Parking lots, buildings, mowing the lawn and the edge of the bank adjacent local urban riparian vegetation may have been destroyed.
Make time for a change
Buffer to maintain the nutrition of at least 30 feet between the lawn and flow.
Native plants trees and shrubs to help restore riparian vegetation.
Develop good lawn care technology, in order to prevent excess runoff into streams.
Dialogue and neighbors to take care of the education of streams and riparian zones.
Wetland water quality
The wetlands are the natural resources of the planet's most diverse and productive. There are two basic types of wetlands, tidal and nontidal. Nontidal wetlands are not affected by the ebb and flow of the tides. These measures include swamps, marshes, swamps and ponds. Virginia million acres of wetlands, more than 75%.
In order to qualify for the wetland area of ??land must:
There are all or parts of the surface of the water or near.
Make sure that the soil wet soil (hydrogen).
Live plants, occurs in moist soil (red plant).
The benefits of wetlands
Help wetlands, rivers, lakes, and rivers hydrological regulation and maintenance of storage and slow release of flood. They help to save the nutrients, capture and filter out sediment and pollutants, purification of surface water and groundwater, flood control and storm damage protection provides a natural means to control soil erosion, maintain water quality.
The wetlands are important fish and wildlife populations. They provide important habitat for about one-third of the federally listed as threatened or endangered plant and animal species.
Human activity that alters, and destroyed many wetlands. Way to fill in wetlands development projects; create farmland drainage and clear; navigation dredging and guide. It is essential that these degraded wetlands to be repaired or replaced in order to maintain a healthy ecosystem.
Make time for a change
Standardize the activities of the destruction of wetlands.
Provide tax incentives to save.
Management of public wetlands.
Determine the property of the sensitive wetland areas.
Make sure the property to carry out activities and wetlands preservation compatible.
Donated or sold to government agencies or non-governmental organizations dedicated to the protection of wetlands sensitive land or easements.
Public officials aware of the need to protect the wetland.
Conservation measures to support public and private organizations and wetland protection.
Monitoring of wetlands involved in the regulatory process.
Learn more about wetlands and their values.
To friends, neighbors and colleagues the importance of wetland conservation.
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